Nov 17, 2008

about Freedom


Libertad es lo único que nos hace ser creativos.
Sin libertad no podemos respirar
No podemos pensar
No podemos razonar y mucho menos
No podríamos amar
Hay veces que pienso que los compromisos y las responsabilidades excesivas
Limitan al creativo…
Por ejemplo …
Si te comprometes a ser feliz a alguien
Uno es infeliz por no poder hacer lo que uno quiere o gustaria hacer…
no tienes cierta libertad

la creatividad o el instinto creativo es lo
que sientes
lo que quieres hacer
lo que debes hacer
pero con libertad

En una ocasión el creador de “Alien” HR Giger explico:
“Los productores de películas tienen miedo de trabajar con nosotros, creen que
Vamos a actuar sin control
Cuando solo lo que queremos es
Un poco de libertad para ser creativos…”

La libertad es bella…salir a la calle y saber que puedes hacer lo que quieras
Te hace suspirar…
con tan solo respirar el aire que pasa

La libertad esta adherida al hombre y por eso mismo el ser humano
es creativo por naturaleza.
Por eso…porque no somos mas creativos?
Porque somos mas flojos y pasivos que
Activos y creadores?
en estos días, todo es mas cómodo, todo esta ya inventado…
para que queremos pensar?

Miguel Bose uno de mis cantantes favoritos en una de sus estrofas
De una canción popular dice:
“canta fuerte hermano... dame una isla en medio del mar,
y llámala… “libertad”.
Joaquin Ayala
is the only thing that push us to be creative
without freedom , we can not breath
we can not think, we can not explore our mind and neither feel
or be sensitive
we'll never be able to love.
sometimes, I believe that commitments and excess of responsabilities
limit creative people
for example...
when we are commited to make somebody else happy
we ended up being frustrated for sacrifing our needs and don't do
what we really want to do for ourselves
cause we don't have freedom
we are trap in somebody else needs
creativity or the creative instinct
needs a feeling
on what you want to do
what you should do
but with freedom
HR Giger the creator of 'Alien" one time he explained:
"movie producers are scared to work with people like me...
they think that if
they give us freedom we are going
to be out of control...
they do not understand that we need freedom
to be creative..."
Freedom is beautiful...getting out on the street knowing that
you can do whatever you want
makes you sigh
just by breathing the air passing by
Freedom is part of the human being, that's why humans are creative
by nature
so...why we are not more creative?
why were are more lazy and uncreative
when we can be more active and creative?
now days everything is more comfortable, everything is so accesible,
everything is already
so...why we bother to think?
Miguel Bose , one of my favorite spanish singers says in
one of his famous songs:
", the best gift you can give me...
is an island in the middle of the ocean ... and call it..."freedom"
Joaquin Ayala