Ayala and Blades of Doom (Malaysia 2007)

Like a slap on my face Val Valentino and Don Weiner duplicate (poorly but duplicated) my presentation , design and concept of my illusion ....Blades of Doom.
They exposed as closing illusion for the new series of Magic Biggest Secrets Finally revealed...on my Network TV.
After I refused the offer of being part of the project, they decided to hire somebody else to ripped me up and exposed on TV.
May sound like I'm contradicting myself on talking about this matter when I suggested to "do not pay any attention to this situation" ...but this is the only way that you will know what I thinking about it... not rage or upsetting action will make me speak out loud to give him what he wants: more publicity.

I just heard that the TV show is not doing "any good" on ratings and may will be out of the air.

Si ! me robaron!

Como una cachetada con guante negro... Val Valentino y Don Weiner duplicaron (pobremente pero duplicaron) mi presentacion , mi diseno y concepto de mi efecto "Blades of Doom".
Descubrieron mi efecto para cerrar su show Magic Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed el cual salio al aire ayer por la noche en My Network TV.

Despues de rechazar su oferta para formar parte de su projecto, ellos decidieron contratar otra persona, robar mi idea, copiarla y exponerla en TV.

Esto podria sonar a contradiccion, ya que estoy hablando del tema despues de sugerir de no darle mas atencion, pero esta es la unica forma de expresar mi pocision al respecto, ya opte por no darles lo que ellos quieren: publicidad

Tan solo ayer escuche que al show no le esta llendo bien, que los rating son muy bajos y hay la posibilidad de sacarlo del aire.


Patrick Ayala said...

They just tried to duplicate that wonderful work of yours, but are they better than you?

I don´t think so!

Everyone knows that the original is always the best ... AND YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE BEST!