Feb 14, 2010


Good and bad thing of today...
Lo bueno y lo malo de hoy...

Lo bueno es que tengas a alguien frente a ti para expresar el amor que sientes por esa o esas personas en este dia.

The good thing is to have somebody in front of you to express the love you feel for them as the meaning of today's celebration

Lo malo es , que no tengas a nadie, que hoy es un mal momento para festejarlo o que hoy por alguna razon es un dia triste.

The bad thing is that, either , you don't have anybody esle, today is not a good day to celebrate or for any reason, today is a sad day.

Today feels ...extremely good or...extremely bad !
Hoy se siente...extremadamente bueno o extremadamente mal.

Just go through the day !!!!....solo dejar pasar el dia