Sep 12, 2010

La Magia de Argentina

Jansenson, Adrian Guerra, Ayala, Brandon Scott, Tanya , Marcelo Goobar y Quique Marduk

with Reyben

Tanya, Marcelo Gobbar and Ayala

The Magic of Argentina
From August 9-15, 2010 The Magic of Argentina was playing at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
Jansenson, Adrian Guerra, Gaston Quieto, Diego Wyszinski, Jack, Marcelo Goobar, Hillel, Quique Marduk y Reyben were the stars of the shows at the different stages at The Castle.
Tanya and I were invited by Criss Angel to attend few live TV shows in Los Angeles and, at night we share a wonderful conversation with Jansenson, Marcelo, Brandon Scott, Quique and Reyben. Adrian Guerra, Quique and Reyben showed their wonderful skills with charismatic talent making the audience go crazy by giving them a standing ovation.
Was so nice to share few minutes together, unfortunately the time was short. We really look forward to meet in the near future again. Viva Argentina !

La magia de Argentina
Del 9 al 15 de Agosto del 2010 se presento en el Castillo de la Magia de Hollywood, “La Magia de Argentina”
Jansenson, Adrian Guerra, Gaston Quieto , Diego Wyszynski, Jack , Marcelo Goobar, Hillel, Quique Marduk y Reyben fueron los protagonistas del espectaculo.
Tanya y yo estuvimos en Los Angeles para asistir a la invitacion de Criss Angel a unos programas de TV y por la noche compartimos una charla muy amena con Jansenson , Marcelo ,Adrian, Brandon Scott, Quique y Reyben. Despues de asistir a su espectaculo, Adrian Guerra , Quique y Reyben mostraron su genial talent con ovaciones de pie al final.
Nos dio muchisimo gusto el volver a compatir juntos….lastima que el tiempo fue corto….realmente esperamos el volver a cruzar nuestro camino en un future cercano.
Enhorabuena Argentina !


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