Tanya and I got invited into be part of this TV show directed and produced by Gay Blackstone and David Martin. We refused to be part of it for our own reasons...here it is the letter we sent to the producers:

Dear Gay Blackstone and David Martin:

I hope you both are fine and busy.

Tanya and I want it to write and sent this e-mail to you few weeks ago.

We want to express our other reasons of why we cannot be part of your up coming Award show.

Unfortunately Tanya and I feel that is a slap in the face to all "magical community" on running an Award Show in the same Network who exposes magic systems and degrades the image of the magicians on the Mask Magician's Series.

Personally, Tanya and I we were betrayed and affected by the Mask Magician, his producers and the Network actions by exposing my original version of my creation Blades of Doom in one of their latest series.

In other issues...for us is very important to have "complete control" of the edited footage...the last word on the edition of our magical segments needed to be agreed by us before airs.

For every magical segment we needed to play an specific piece of music...and for that, we need to use our own musical pieces and have a guarantee that in the editing room the editors will not make the final decision to replace our music for some other...unfortunately this situation happened before.

I hope you understand our position...

We wish the best results on this up coming project of yours...

Sincerely yours



Anonymous said...


I first saw you on television a few years ago. You did a great set with the swords and ended with the changing masks.

I applaud you for standing up for what is right in this matter. It is very admirable.

I am often asked by the lay public, "What do you think of the masked magician giving away your secrets?" My reply is, "He isn't giving away my secrets. He's giving away HIS secrets." But in your case, I see that you have actually been harmed by his exposing the secret to one of your top illusions.

I hope to catch your act in person some day.

-- Steve Macko
Sacramento, CA